"prefix","description","question" "AA","Anti-Alias_Filter_Type","What is the anti-alias filter type?" "AB","ADC_Bits","What is the ADC bit count?" "AD","ADC_Type","Which ADC type recorded this channel?" "AF","Analog_Filter_Type","What is the analog filter type?" "AL","Approx_Lower_Bound","What is the input amplitude lower bound for this approximation?" "AR","ADC_Range","What is the ADC range?" "AU","Approx_Upper_Bound","What is the input amplitude upper bound for this approximation?" "BV","Board_Version","What version is the datalogger board?" "CD","Channel_Description","Which is the channel description?" "CG","Clip_Level","What is the accelerometer clip level in +/-g?" "CH","Channels","What is the datalogger channel number(s)?" "CP","Component","Which sensor component is this?" "CR","Configured_Sample_Rates","What are the configured sample rates?" "CS","Chip_Set","Which chip set does this datalogger use?" "CT","FIR_Cascade_Type","What FIR cascade type is this?" "DE","Decimation_Filter","What is the decimation filter type?" "DF","DC_Filter","What is the DC removal/low pass filter setting?" "DG","Digital/Software_Gain","What is the software gain setting?" "DR","Decimated_Sample_Rate","What is the decimated sample rate?" "EG","Electronics_Generation","What is the feedback electronics generation?" "FB","Feedback_Loop_Board_Type","What is the feedback electronics board type?" "FD","Firmware_Date","Is the firmware date before or after 2012-10-02?" "FL","Frequency_Lower_Bound","What is the frequency lower bound for this approximation?" "FP","Final_Filter_Phase","What is the final filter phase?" "FR","Final_Sample_Rate","What is the final sample rate?" "FT","Feedback Type","What is the sensor feedback type?" "FU","Frequency_Upper_Bound","What is the frequency lower bound for this approximation?" "FV","Full-Scale_Voltage","What is the full scale voltage?" "FW","Firmware_Version","What is the firmware version?" "GT","Gain_Type","Is the gain fixed or variable?" "HF","High-Frequency_Corner","What is the high-frequency corner?" "HR","Highest_Configured_Sample_Rate","What is the highest simultaneous sample rate configured?" "IT","Input_Type","What is the input voltage type?" "LF","Low-Frequency_Corner","What is the low-frequency corner?" "LP","Long-Period_Corner","What is the long-period corner?" "LR","Linear_Filter_Rates","To which sample rates are linear filters applied?" "MR","Main_Sample_Rate","What is the main sample rate?" "MV","Model_Version","Which version is this model?" "NS","Number_of_Streams","How many data stream ran simultaneously?" "OB","Output_Bits","How many output bits should be used?" "OS","Onboard_Sensor","Which onboard sensor does this datalogger use?" "OU","Output_Units","What are the final output units?" "OW","Output_Wiring","Is the output wiring single-ended or differential?" "PD","Preamp_Db","What is the preamp gain in dB?" "PG","Preamp_Gain","What is the preamp gain ratio?" "PP","Peak-to-Peak_Voltage","What is the peak-to-peak voltage?" "PR","Primary_Sample_Rate","What is the primary sample rate?" "RC","Coil_Resistance","What is the coil resistance in ohms?" "RS","Shunt_Resistance","What is the shunt resistance in ohms?" "SG","Sensitivity","What is the sensitivity?" "SM","Sensitivity_Mode","What is the sensitivity mode for this channel?" "SN","Serial_Number","What is the serial number range?" "SP","Short-Period_Corner","What is the short-period corner?" "ST","Sensor_Type","What property does this sensor measure?" "TG","Transmission_Gain","What is the transmission gain?" "TL","Tap_Table_Lookup","What is the tap table lookup number for this channel?" "TP","Taps","What are the taps (sample rate options in Hz) for this channel?" "WS","Word_Size","What is the output word size in bits?" "ZN","Input_Impedance","Is the input impedance high or low?"