The noise-mode-timeseries web service returns Probability Density Function daily mode estimates for individual seismic channels measured at discrete frequencies as a function of time.
Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.
Query Usage
/query? (channel-options) [date-range-options] [power-output-options] [plot-options] [text-options] [xml-options] [frequency-options] (format-option) [nodata-option]
channel-options :: (net[work]=<network>&sta[tion]=<station>&loc[ation]=<location>&cha[annel]=<channel>) | (target=<nslcq>) date-range-options :: [start[time]=<time>]&[end[time]=<time>] power-output-options :: [output=<power|powerdhnm|powerdlnm|powerdnm>] [noisemodel.byperiod=<pipe-separated-list>] [noisemodel.byfrequency=<pipe-separated-list>] plot-options :: [plot.height=<pixel-height>] [plot.width=<pixel-width>] [plot.title=<title|hide>] [plot.subtitle=<title|hide>] [plot.power.min=<value>] [plot.power.max=<value>] [plot.power.label=<'title'|hide>][plot.legend=<show|hide>] [plot.titlefont.size=<value>][plot.subtitlefont.size=<value>] [plot.powerlabelfont.size=<value>][plot.poweraxisfont.size=<value>] [plot.timeaxisfont.size=<value>][plot.legendfont.size=<value>] [plot.backgroundcolor=<color|r,g,b>][plot.gridcolor=<color|r,g,b>] [plot.linewidth=<value>] frequency-options :: [frequencies=<freq1,freq1...>|<all>|<[range-start,range-end]>] | [periods=<period1,period2,...>|<all>|<[range-start,range-end]>] text-options :: [<list|table>][text.units=<hertz|seconds>] xml-options :: [<byday|byperiod|byfrequency|flat>][xml.units=<hertz|seconds>] format-option :: [format=<plot|text|xml>] nodata-option :: [nodata=<404|204>] (..) required [..] optional
Sample Queries
Comma Separated Values (csv)
Plot with Options
- Custom Size 750 × 500 …plot.width=750&plot.height=500…
- Custom Title …plot.title=Data+From+Station+ANMO+Channel+BHZ…
- No Subtitle …plot.subtitle=hide…
- Hide Legend …plot.legend=hide…
- Increase title font size …plot.titlefont.size=32…
- Custom linewidth …plot.linewidth=2.4…
- Custom background color …&plot.backgroundcolor=176,196,222&plot.gridcolor=darkgrey…
Text with Options
- Display Periods ..text.units=seconds…
- Display Frequencies ..text.units=hertz…
- Display table…
- Display list…
XML with Options
- Display frequencies grouped by day
- Display periods grouped by day
- Display frequencies no grouping (flat)
- Display grouped frequency
- Display grouped period
Select specific Frequencies and Periods
- Display frequencies 0.1 and 0.01 Hz …frequencies=0.1,0.01…
- Display Periods 10 and 100 seconds …periods=10,100…
- All periods (text format, table style) …periods=all…
Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter
parameter | examples | discussion | default | type |
start[time] | 2010-12-19 |
Limit to data starting between starttime and endtime | 1980-01-01 | day |
end[time] | 2010-12-20 |
Limit to data starting between starttime and endtime | 2050-01-01 | day |
net[work] | IU |
Select Network code | string | |
sta[tion] | ANMO |
Select station code | string | |
loc[ation] | 00 |
Select location code. Use -- for empty location |
string | |
cha[nnel] | BHZ |
Select channel code | string | |
quality | M |
Select quality code. M for data from our miniSEED archive. D for data from our PH5 archive |
string | |
target | IU.ANMO.00.BHZ.M |
Select MUSTANG target name (Network.Station.Location.Channel.Quality) | string | |
format | plot |
plot , xml , or text |
plot, xml, text | |
nodata | 404 |
Http response codes for no data found 404 , 204 |
404 (subject to change) | 204, 404 |
plot.height | 1000 |
Height of plot in pixels | 750 | positive integer |
plot.width | 1500 |
Width of plot in pixels | 1100 | positive integer |
plot.title | My+Title |
Alternative to auto generated title. hide for no title. |
“Daily PDF Mode Timelines” | url encoded string |
plot.subtitle | My+Subtitle |
Alternative to auto generated title. hide for no subtitle |
“target : date range” | url encoded string |
plot.power.min | -190 |
Minimum power of plot. Must be given with plot.power.max | auto from data | integer |
plot.power.max | 0 |
Maximum power of plot. Must be given with plot.power.min | auto from data | integer |
plot.power.label | Power+[dB] |
Use hide to hide the label. |
Power[10log10(m**2/sec**4/Hz)][dB] | url encoded string |
plot.legend | hide |
Show or hide the legend | show | show, hide |
plot.titlefont.size | 32 |
Set font size of title | 18 | integer |
plot.subtitlefont.size | 25 |
Set font size of sub-title | 12 | integer |
plot.powerlabelfont.size | 32 |
Set font size of label on left side | 14 | integer |
plot.poweraxisfont.size | 20 |
Set font size of vertical axis | 12 | integer |
plot.timeaxisfont.size | 20 |
Set font size of horizontal axis | 12 | integer |
plot.legendfont.size | 20 |
Set font size of legend | 12 | integer |
plot.backgroundcolor | lightgrey |
Set the background color of the plot | 192,192,192 | name or decimal 0-255,0-255,0-255 RGB |
plot.gridcolor | green |
Set the background grid color of the plot | white | name or decimal 0-255,0-255,0-255 RGB |
plot.linewidth | 1.5 |
Set the line width of plotted timeseries. | 1.0 | float value | | table |
List style or table style | list | list, table |
text.units | seconds |
Show frequencies or periods | hertz | hertz, seconds | | flat |
Results grouping. for no grouping, use flat |
byday | byday, byfrequency, byperiod, flat |
xml.units | seconds |
Show frequencies or periods | hertz | hertz, seconds |
frequencies | 0.01,0.001 |
Comma separated list of frequencies. all for all frequencies |
auto-selected | comma separated values |
periods | 10, 100 |
comma separated list of periods. all for all periods |
auto-selected | comma separated values |
output | how to display power | see help | ||
power |
(default) show power | |||
powerdhnm |
show power relative to the High Noise Model | |||
powerdlnm |
show power relative to Low Noise Model | |||
powerdnm |
show power relative to both Noise Models. Positive values designate powers above both noise models, negative values designate powers below both noise models and zero values designate powers between both noise models | |||
noisemodel.byperiod | User specified noise model by period | see help | ||
noisemodel.byfrequency | User specified noise model by frequency | see help |
Date Formats
Year, Month, Day in Month:
ex. 1997-01-31 a time of 00:00:00 is assumed
YYYY :: four-digit year MM :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.) DD :: two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
Requests that return no result
By default, this web service return an HTTP code of 404 (rather than 204) when a request is “successful”, but there were no matching results. If 204 is chosen and no results are found, a web browser will not refresh its previous results. When 404 is used, a browser will update any headers (or tags) displayed on the screen, but will list no values. To force the service to return a 204, add the query parameter &nodata=204
Problems with this service?
Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
[email protected]
We will address your issue as soon as possible.